
Crowdsourced Fact-checking: Does It Actually Work?

There is an important ongoing effort aimed to tackle misinformation and to perform reliable fact-checking by employing human assessors at scale, with a crowdsourcing-based approach. Previous studies on the feasibility of employing crowdsourcing for …

Cognitive Biases in Fact-Checking and Their Countermeasures: A Review

The increase of the amount of misinformation spread every day online is a huge threat to the society. Organizations and researchers are working to contrast this misinformation plague. In this setting, human assessors are indispensable to correctly …

Fact-Checking at Scale with Crowdsourcing Experiments and Lessons Learned

In this paper, we present our journey in exploring the use of crowdsourcing for fact-checking. We discuss our early experiments aimed towards the identification of the best possible setting for misinformation assessment using crowdsourcing. Our …

The Effects of Crowd Worker Biases in Fact-Checking Tasks

Due to the increasing amount of information shared online every day, the need for sound and reliable ways of distinguishing between trustworthy and non-trustworthy information is as present as ever. One technique for performing fact-checking at scale …

The Many Dimensions of Truthfulness: Crowdsourcing Misinformation Assessments on a Multidimensional Scale

Recent work has demonstrated the viability of using crowdsourcing as a tool for evaluating the truthfulness of public statements. Under certain conditions such as: (1) having a balanced set of workers with different backgrounds and cognitive …

Can The Crowd Judge Truthfulness? A Longitudinal Study on Recent Misinformation About COVID-19

Recently, the misinformation problem has been addressed with a crowdsourcing-based approach: to assess the truthfulness of a statement, instead of relying on a few experts, a crowd of non-expert is exploited. We study whether crowdsourcing is an …

Can The Crowd Identify Misinformation Objectively? The Effects of Judgment Scale and Assessor’s Background.

Conference Talk - The 43rd International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval. July 25th, 2020. Xi'an, China. Held remotely as a pre-recorded contribution due to the COVID-19 pandemic.