
Can The Crowd Judge Truthfulness? A Longitudinal Study on Recent Misinformation About COVID-19

Recently, the misinformation problem has been addressed with a crowdsourcing-based approach: to assess the truthfulness of a statement, instead of relying on a few experts, a crowd of non-expert is exploited. We study whether crowdsourcing is an …

The COVID-19 Infodemic: Can The Crowd Judge Recent Misinformation Objectively?

Conference Talk - The 29th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2020). October 19th, 2020. Galway, Ireland. Held remotely as a pre-recorded contribution due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The COVID-19 Infodemic: Can the Crowd Judge Recent Misinformation Objectively?

Misinformation is an ever increasing problem that is difficult to solve for the research community and has a negative impact on the society at large. Very recently, the problem has been addressed with a crowdsourcing-based approach to scale up …

Can The Crowd Identify Misinformation Objectively? The Effects of Judgment Scale and Assessor's Background

Truthfulness judgments are a fundamental step in the process of fighting misinformation, as they are crucial to train and evaluate classifiers that automatically distinguish true and false statements. Usually such judgments are made by experts, like …

Can The Crowd Identify Misinformation Objectively? The Effects of Judgment Scale and Assessor’s Background.

Conference Talk - The 43rd International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval. July 25th, 2020. Xi'an, China. Held remotely as a pre-recorded contribution due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Crowdsourcing Peer Review: As We May Do

This paper describes Readersourcing 2.0, an ecosystem providing an implementation of the Readersourcing approach proposed by Mizzaro [10]. Readersourcing is proposed as an alternative to the standard peer review activity that aims to exploit the …

Crowdsourcing Peer Review in the Digital Humanities?

We propose an alternative approach to the standard peer review activity that aims to exploit the otherwise lost opinions of readers of publications which is called Readersourcing, originally proposed by Mizzaro [1]. Such an approach can be formalized …