
Longitudinal Loyalty: Understanding The Barriers To Running Longitudinal Studies On Crowdsourcing Platforms
Crowdsourcing Statement Classification to Enhance Information Quality Prediction
Crowdsourced Fact-checking: Does It Actually Work?
Cognitive Biases in Fact-Checking and Their Countermeasures: A Review
Towards a Conversational-Based Agent for Health Services
Fact-Checking at Scale with Crowdsourcing Experiments and Lessons Learned
How Many Crowd Workers Do I Need? On Statistical Power When Crowdsourcing Relevance Judgments
A Neural Model to Jointly Predict and Explain Truthfulness of Statements
The Effects of Crowd Worker Biases in Fact-Checking Tasks
Crowd_Frame: A Simple and Complete Framework to Deploy Complex Crowdsourcing Tasks Off-the-Shelf
The Many Dimensions of Truthfulness: Crowdsourcing Misinformation Assessments on a Multidimensional Scale
E-BART: Jointly Predicting and Explaining Truthfulness
Can The Crowd Judge Truthfulness? A Longitudinal Study on Recent Misinformation About COVID-19
Assessing the Quality of Online Reviews Using Formal Argumentation Theory
The COVID-19 Infodemic: Can the Crowd Judge Recent Misinformation Objectively?
Can The Crowd Identify Misinformation Objectively? The Effects of Judgment Scale and Assessor's Background